E-commerce Strategy GFAPVC ™

How it works

Everything begins with figuring out the ongoing circumstance – your brand image, merchandise, business measurements, innovation, clients, competitors, and existing site and marketing metrics information. We can’t set an objective without first comprehending where we are now. During this cycle, we work closely with the co-founders of brands to really understand your brand story and goals. 

We create a framework methodology that everyone is on board with before laying out weaknesses and conditions.


The initial step is assembling all the basic essential data around the brand, business, execution, resources, and objectives so that we can outline the tailored roadmap that will ensure we reach our goals throughout the process.


Analyzing and inspecting your current data across advertisements platforms, websites, and lifetime value metrics will help contribute the most detailed knowledge regarding where we want to begin. We need to search for actionable easy wins to bring positive outcomes as fast as possible and assist with clear the marketing strategy of pushing ahead across different channels through the effect of the three core metrics: traffic cost, conversion rate, and CLTV (customer lifetime value)


You can’t use the right communication channel and establish thumb-stopping advertisements without first grasping who you are promoting to – customer personas and target audience building are where setting up high-converting tailored advertisements and sales funnels all begin. Know thy client.


Your general marketing strategy plan is predominantly driven by where your brand and business sit inside what we refer to as the 8 Pillars of Marketing Strategy: 

1.  Average Value Order (AOV) , 2. Conversion Rate (CVR), 3. Lifetime Value (LTV), 4. Purchasing Cycle, 5.  Audience Brand Awareness, 6. Repeat Buy Rate, 7. Beginning Ads Allowance, 8. Your Special Merchandise Offering, 9. Item Type

Where you sit across these center pillars will mainly decide the roadmap for the success of your product. 


This is where your tailored marketing plan is established utilizing all the data we presently have and deciding the right account structure, acquiring strategies, testing prioritization, and financial plan portion strategies to deliver the greatest return for capital invested.

Creative, well-designed, thumb-stopping social media ad contents are likely to get more reach; thus, it has a high conversion rate. This is the greatest force we have control over your ad account to drive the outcomes we really want to hit your growth goals. We want to cooperatively flourish our first ad creative for testing that you love and clients’ new potentials and clients can’t avoid purchasing from.


Every brand we work with requires a special game plan. This is how we formulate a framework for you. We lay out a roadmap specifically for your business in order to reach your business goals within a time frame.

You can’t discover the ideal methodology without successfully diagnosing where existing issues lie. We dive profoundly into your brand and investigate your data to see precisely everything is and isn’t working and where new opportunities locate.

Our exclusive tailored-made process issues the establishment to drive your business into turning into a 7 or 8-figure elite brand level.

Before you construct a house, you first need to guarantee that all the ‘plumbing’ is done well. We guarantee that every one of your pixels, tracking, and analytics are set up accurately and prepared for the surge of traffic we anticipate sending your direction, so we can then decide on valid data-driven choices based on proven strategies.

We’ve started our campaigns and our ads started running. Now is the right time to reach and collect more data, pinpoint your best-performing factors and begin optimizing for execution.

At the moment we have adequate data to make educated choices and layout target measurements all through your ad account pipeline in putting together to scale.

We’re presently above target KPIs. We have your revenue goals and comprehend your expected development bends in light of performance and available stock – now is the ideal time to begin increasing ad spending to drive your brand toward its income objectives.

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